Watching on is supported on Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and Safari browsers. You can watch Netflix on your Mac computer by visiting. You won’t lose anything by uninstalling Silverlight. But now they’re deprecated and no longer useful. Years ago, these plugins were necessary on a lot of websites. Microsoft Silverlight Silverlight is a web framework, similar to Adobe Flash, that once enabled rich media content in your browser. All you need is a Netflix account, a high-speed Internet connection and the time to watch your favorite shows and movies. Watching Netflix on a Mac couldn’t be any easier, since the streaming video service phased out its reliance on the Microsoft Silverlight browser plugin. Follow the prompts on the screen to install Silverlight onto the computer.pkg is not from the Mac App Store, are you sure you want to open it?’ Click Open on the prompt that says ‘Silverlight.Right click or hold Control and click on Silverlight.pkg.Firefox does block outdated versions of Silverlight, and shows the warning that Jane was referring to. Leo says Silverlight is safe, it’s made by Microsoft and is pretty much a Flash equivalent.

Open the Downloads page and double-click on Silverlight. When a Silverlight box opens, select Install Now. Open Netflix and select any title to play. You can watch TV shows and movies on your Mac computer with the Silverlight plug-in.

To install, I'm merely using the Silverlight.dmg file and its installer to install. I've tried uninstalling and re-installing Silverlight but without success. I had Silverlight version 4 installed before but never got it to work (I don't know if this was before or after my Yosemite update.) (As opposed to a big black square of nothing.) 2) Troubleshooting This should offer a menu and various content, mostly pictures. To start with, can anyone tell me if this Silverlight test works for them on Mac OS X Yosemite (10.10.1) ? I'm not getting much success at all so far, nor help from the Web. I'm trying to get Silverlight to work on Mac OS X, any browser would do.